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Language: english

* Standard profile

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*This company has only Standard profile.
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Business type: Services
Business type: Importer,
Number of employees: 51 - 100
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1997


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Firm Rank: 0

• France’s leading private-sector expert in competitive intelligence.

• A team of 70 consultants combining cross-disciplinary profiles (strategy consultancy, financial analysis, property security, etc.) and sector specialists (defence and security, energy, healthcare, biotechnologies, etc.).
• Customer satisfaction: CEIS has been ISO 9001-2000 certified since 2002 and its operations are supported by its quality management system.

• 10 years’ experience in high-profile assignments.
• Operational solutions tailored to your needs.
• Rapid response to deal with emergency situations.
• Cross-disciplinary teams to offer an overall vision of each of your needs.

• Proprietary tools for monitoring, analysis and collaborative work activities.
• International network of subsidiaries and correspondents.

Address data

Street:21 en Chaplerue
Postal code:57000
Phone: +33 387 748413


Contact person

Name and Surname: Frolov Vladimir
Phone: +33 387 748413
Mobile: +33 615469123
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